Courses that I am teaching/have taught
IFT800 - Advanced algorithms
Approximation algorithms (combinatorial and LP-based approaches) and parameterized algorithms (branching, kernelization, treewidth algorithms)
BIN702 - Algorithms in bioinformatics
Sequence alignment, motif searching, phylogenetics, sequencing, RNA structure prediction, genomic rearrangements
IFT503/IFT711 - Theory of computation
Team teaching with Michael Blondin and Dave Touchette.
Content that I have covered: P vs NP, hardness of approximation via PCP theorems, space complexity, exponential time hypothesis
IFT436 - Algorithms and data structures
Algorithms analysis, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, probabilistic algorithms. Theory course, no programming.
IFT339 - Data structures
C++, list, queues, stacks, heaps, balanced search trees, hash tables
IFT187 - Introduction to databases
Database conception and SQL language